Ing: 2 Lion Eggs; 5ozs. Castor Sugar; 4 ozs. Polka Dots; 3 tblsp. Sugar Syrup; 6.5 ozs. Flour; 1 level teasp. Baking Powder; 2.5 fluid ozs. Milk.
Method: Break eggs into bowl. Heat Sugar at Gas Mark 5.5 for 6 mins., tip swiftly onto sugar and whip till mixture becomes smooth and creamy. Soften Polka Dots in small pan with sugar syrup, fold into cake mixture and stir in flour and milk gently. Bake in two oiled-paper-lined Victoria sponge tins at gas mark 5 for 12 mins. Fill with chocolate butter cream and ise with softened Polka Dots.

2. Chocolate Polka Dot Meringues - see image.
3. Omelette norvegienne - see image.
4. Neilson's ice cream cholcate swans.
Draw to scale on the back of cheap plastic material a swan's neck, two wings and a tail. Cut out. Tow the shiny side over a bowl of softened Pola Dots, leave to set. Peel off. Cut an oval of sponge for each swan base. Pipe round the edge with butter cream. Affix neck, wings and tail into this holding mixture. Fill the centre of each swan with a generous blob of chosen Neilson's Ice Cream. Decorate with whipped cream and crystallised flowers. Serve immediately.
5. Cafe Brulot - see image.
Post-war Anglo-Saxon cooking is surely defensible only in the context of wartime economy. Those recpies which are not bland beyond non-description, are artifical and plastiky, yet still preferable to today's microwave culture. No. 4 above is a by no means unique example of this lazy obsession with playing with and shaping food over the hours of experimentation and imitation required to be able to cook.

7. Henry VII Shoe Buckles - see image
8. French Omlette - see image
9. Heinz Baby & Junior Foods Omelette
Ing: 2 or more Lion eggs; 1 tin Heinz Junior Vegetable and Beef; 1 tin Heinz Strained Beef and Liver; 2 tblsp. top of the Milk or Single Cream; 1 oz. Butter.
Method: Beat Lion Eggs lightly. Season with salt and pepper. Cook as instructed, spread with half a tin of Heinz Junior Vegetable and Beef, flip over one fold, turn out - thus making second fold. Cover with contents of hald tin Heinz Strained Beef and Liver. Finish with Milk or cream. Serve immediately.
10. Fruit Souffle - see image