Friday, November 03, 2006

ABR - Chambers' Historical Newspaper 2

"Monuments to Sir Walter Scott.-A most numerous and highly respectable meeting was held in the Assembly Rooms, at Edinburgh, on Friday the 5th, at which the Lord Provost was called to preside for the purpose of considering a national testimony to the memory of Sir Walter Scott. ... The most remarkable subscription is that of Mr Murray of the Theatre Royal -L.100 By such liberality the subscriber has done infinite honour to himself and to his profession." No.1

"The pestilence [cholera] visited Dumfries for the first time on the 15th of September. Its ravages since then have been more severe, in proportion to the population, than in any other part of Great Britain. ... The calamity produced a complete stagnation of business for several days, and overspread the minds of the inhabitants with gloom." No. 1

"The author alluded to exaggerates of profits of bookselling, while he entirely loses sight of the frequently unsaleable nature of the commodity, and the daily depreciation of the stock of a bookseller, which unilke that of a wine merchant, never improves with age." No. 1

THIS distinguished individual died at his seat of Coates, in Fife, on the 3d ultimo: he had attained the 67th year of his age. Sir John Leslie was a native of Largo, in Fife. He was educated at the University of St Andrews, and had many struggles before reaching the eminent situation he latterly held. He acted at one time as travelling tutor to the sons of Mr Wedgewood a celebrated potter, and enjoyed a pension of L.300 a-year on that account as long as he lived. In 1805, after a severe conflict with the clerical powers of the city, by whom he was objected to on a charge of infidelity, he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. Here he distinguished himself by some important discoveries, particularly the process of artificial congelation. He was, however, a man of intense general information and high literary powers, in addition to all his aacquirements as a philosopher. In 1820, he succeeded the celebrated Playfair as Professor of Natural Philosophy , and some time in the present year he received from his Majesty the honour of a knighthood of the Guelphic order. By an unvarying prudence of conduct, Sir John Leslie is believed to have accumulated about L.20,000." No. 2. December 1, 1832.

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