On the left is a bookmark, that I myself made when I guess I must have been about ten years old. Sweet as it is, I am a tad disappointed at the logical inconsistency of the book itself doing parachuting, which makes me wonder whether 'Parachute in a Book' would not perhaps have been a better slogan. Who's to argue with a ten-year-old!? If nothing else, at least I cannot be accused, seventeen years later, of being a jonny-come-lately to this bookselling business.
On the right, also scrawled with no thought of internet fame and fortune, is one of our interminable day-lists, this one by my colleague, Daniel. My interest was particularly caught by the note that read 'Guy might come in tomorrow to sell a dictionary'. Daniel appears to have written 'old' before the word 'guy', then thought better of it, and replaced it with 'older'.
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