Saturday, April 14, 2007
Ephemera - Old Industrial Photo
Ephemera - Wartime Map of Tunisia

[Fragments of text from the map side:] "[...]Tebessa. One force pushed through Kasserine Pass and then swung westwards in two parallel columns, one along the Tebassa road and the other up the dried-up bed of the Wadi Retod,...
"diving for [...] from the "Tiger" tank, diving[..]6 a ditch at the same moment as the British offier. The battery, although only at 40 yards range, fired five rounds before the re-..."
[Placenames from the map:] "Bonna, La calle, Tabarca, Bizerta, mateur, Djedeida, Tunis, C. Bon, Kelibia, Nabeul, Hammamet, Pont du Fahs, Robaa, B. Arada, Gafour, Testour, Beja, S. Arba, Kef, Souk Ahras, L. Salines, K. Djerda, Thala, Tebessa, Feriana, Kasserine, Sbeitla, Sbiba, Pichon, Maktar, Kairouan, Ousseltia, Siliana, Enfidaville, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Kerker, El Djem, Pavilliers, Sidi Saad, Faid, Bouzid, Sfax, Graiba, Mezzouna, Maknassi, Sened, Gafa, Shott Gerid, Tozeur, Kebili, Matmata, Cekhira, Metouia, Gabes, Zarat, [and those east of the Mareth Line:] Medenine, Tatahouine, Remada, Ben Gardane."
[From the rear leaf:] "...from the shop at 22 Hawkhill occupied by Frank Fredman.
"a second charge was that he stole household articles from the workshop at 56 Gellatly Street, occupied by Israel Rosen.
"It was stated he got access to the premises as a firewatcher. He had said he took the smaller articles in a gas mask container and he tied the other srticles round his waist. Property was valued at £50 17s 3d.
"His mother, Jessie Watson or Chambers, was sent to prison for thirty days for resetting the goods, which had all been recovered."
"At Drumgeith W.R.I. open meeting, presided over by Mrs Bachelor, president, who was also hostess, with assistants, the programme was sustained by Mr. and Mrs Macdonald, Dundee, in an illustrated lecture on "Song and Story of Mull and Iona."
"Mr Macdonal gave the talk and Mrs Macdonald rendered songs illustrating the talk, while their daughter, Miss Macdonald, was accompanist and Mr Norman Brown, Dundee, was lantern operator.
"Thanks to the artistes who were accorded on the call of Mr McLeod. Mr Macdonald replied and thanked Mr Brown.
"A pochette, gifted by Mrs Bachelor on behalf of the funds, was won by Mr Buttar."
"For having broken into the house at 94 Nethergate, Dundee, occupied by Constance Loseby or Mitchell and stolen goods valued at £62 5s, Thomas Kelly, 15 Craigielea Terrace, may be sent to Borstal.
"At Dundee Sheriff Court yesterday he admitted the theft and one previous conviction.
"It was stated he visited the house the previous day in connection with the window [c]leaning. He stole a watch valued at £25, [a]nother at £30, a cigarette lighter valued at [~]5s, and £4 of threepenny pieces. A report [i]s to be submitted on his suitability for Borstal."
"LEAGUE of Nations Union (Dundee Branch).- Public meeting in King's Theatre Cafe tomorrow night at 7.30p.m. Speaker-Professor A. F. Skinner, M.A., Ph.D., of Dundee Training College. Subject-"America and Ourselves." You are invited. Collection.
"MASONIC.-Lodge Thistle Operative (158) meets to-night. Peter St., 7.15. Business. Passing.
"MASONIC.-Lodge St David (78) meets to-night, 7 p.m. Bi-centenary committee; mark degree.
"MASONIC Lodge Operative (47) meets to-night, 7.30 p.m. Presentation to Bro. H. Winepress. Harmany."
"CAT, smoky-grey, lost, 20th. Dr Mills, 3 Clarendon Tce., Dundee.
"FOX terrier bitch, wire-haired, tan head; answers to Pat, collar; lost from Trinity on Saturday afternoon. Please return to Stevenson, Trinity, or Police Office, Brechin. [...]
"...Oct, 1942, silver com-[...]
Ephemera - Harmony Classes

"Name 'Amdor [or Awdor]' / Matric. No. 481 / Fee Paid 20/- / Date... / Initials of H.M. or Clerk... / Tues. 7-9 Harmony / NOTE.-This card should be retained by the student and shown to each teacher. B&S 65-30M-7.62"
Questions: To whom did this belong? What was Broughton Commercial Insitute? What does the B&S code stand for?
Ephemera - Inverewe Gardens, Wester Ross

"They were founded in 1862 by Osgood Mackenzie, owner of Inverewe estate. There was only rock and peat; soil for flower beds was carried in creels.
"Ninety years later, his daughter, Mrs. Mairi Sawyer, presented to the National Trust for Scotland, gardens which are a show place of the Highlands, where plants from all over the world fourish in the same latitude as Labrador.
"Adult 20p" [from the reverse]
Questions: Who designed the front of this really sweet bookmark? When does it date from?
Monday, April 02, 2007
The shop shall be closed this coming Monday, 9th April 2007.
midnight oil books
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